about victoria jewel

I’m so honored you’re here! I’m Victoria, a licensed Esthetician and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who believes in the body and skin’s natural ability to function. We are all designed to heal!

But I haven’t always felt this way… I spent years struggling with acne, eczema, severe digestive issues, restless leg syndrome, histamine intolerance, allergies, painful periods, dairy intolerance, gluten intolerance, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and more… I mean my health was in the GUTTER. I went from fad diet to the next, expensive dermatologist visits, itchy steroid creams, antibiotics, experimental DIY’s and hundreds of dollars wasted on skincare products and supplements that left me disappointed. I followed all the mainstream advice and still ended up nowhere!

Eventually this led me to the holistic and wellness community, which really resonated with me. I was eating all the green veggies and celery juice, limited my red meat intake, went dairy free, eventually went vegan, I was using “clean beauty” products, drinking a ton of water, trying to sleep well… Yet there was still no end in sight to any of my symptoms. I felt like I was doing everything “right”… and I just felt awful.

But the real problem was that I wasn’t addressing my symptoms at the root. You see, acne is a symptom of a burdened system (or multiple systems). We need a digestive system with healthy flora, kidneys to filter and purify, lymph to carry waste from our tissues, liver to remove large toxins and secrete bile, and so much more.

When all of these foundations are not supported it can bring on a host of dysfunction to the body, and the skin will take on the role of holding the burden of this excess. Skin health is a reflection of your internal health!

So I went back to basics and I learned exactly how the skin and body functions, ditched the standards of conventional beauty, AND focused on the internal factors at play. It all came back to the health of my body as a WHOLE. Slowly but surely symptoms started to disappear and my skin has never looked better!

I have found through my own experience and the transformation of my clients over the last six years, that when we support our skin and trust it’s inherent functions by removing disrupting synthetics and replace with nourishing ingredients, alongside addressing our unique bio individual internal and external factors such as nutrient dense diet, digestion and elimination, blood sugar regulation, hormonal balance, minerals and hydration, and lifestyle (sleep, stress/emotions, supportive movement, less screen time and more sunshine, etc) we not only address skin concerns like acne but support our body as a whole to experience strong hair and nails, regular pain free periods, balanced hormones, consistent energy, smooth digestion, better sleep, and so much more! I call that a win-win.

Now my course Nourished Skin (coming soon) teaches you how to navigate the overwhelming world of skincare and nutrition without harsh topicals or restrictive diets so you can kick acne to the curb, and reclaim your body’s innate vitality!

skin freebie

ready for healthy & clear skin?

get your 5 step simple guide for healthy and clear skin without harsh topicals or restrictive diets!